
Huge success for Bahnhof’s 10 000 Mbit/s internet service for 29 EUR/month

Huge success for Bahnhof’s 10 000 Mbit/s internet service for 29 EUR/month

Bahnhof is the first large Swedish ISP to launch a new type of broadband service of extreme speed to individual customers and companies. The service for individual customers was launched just a week ago and it has already become wildly popular. The 10 000 Mbit/s service priced at 29 EUR a month is currently available for house owners and house cooperatives.

The speed is ten times faster than the fastest alternatives that have been available on the market so far. Bahnhof’s service is also a hundred times faster than the official Swedish broadband goal of 100 Mbit/s set for 2020.

– We are currently dominating the market with our superspeedy internet service. We just launched it last week and the orders are already pouring in! We’re obviously very excited about pushing out an internet service that is ten times faster than what has previously been offered – at the low price of 29 euros a month. What we are offering has been made possible by new technology which we think will revolutionize the entire internet market, says Jon Karlung, CEO Bahnhof.

The background for this new investment is Bahnhofs new fiber network Northern Light® which has been up and running since 2017. New optics and new equipment enables for a completely new set of internet services. Bahnhof has upgraded the entire network and is therefore able to push out this new internet service on a larger scale. The plan is to entirely change the speed standards. Companies and organizations can already get a speed of 100 000 Mbit/s.

– This is without a doubt a game changer on the broadband market. We have impelled our own innovations and installed our own technical equipment in completely new ways in the network. But a prerequisite for future development of this sort is that there is access to dark fibre on ISP-neutral conditions, says Jon Karlung.

Bahnhof offers 10 000 Mbit/s to house cooperatives, house owners and companies, but will soon make the service available for apartment owners too.

Press Contact: Jon Karlung, +46 76 111 01 60

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